First the good news. Donald Trump the president will be
nothing like Donald Trump the candidate. The nature of the job means he will be
have to be more conciliatory and willing to compromise. He will be surrounded
by officials, advisers, ambassadors, secretaries, military figures –relationships
he will need and have to nurture – and his bombastic, my way or the highway
attitude simply won’t work.
Look at some of his most attention grabbing plans
during the campaign and it’s reassuring to see many are illegal, impractical or
impossible. All Muslims will not be barred from entering the United States.
Eleven million illegal immigrants will not be deported. Hillary Clinton will
not be sent to jail. And, while his team remain insistent it will happen, the building of a wall along the
3,200km border with Mexico will prove immensely difficult and expensive to achieve. And the Mexicans have already said they won’t pay.
In his victory speech, President-elect Trump (boy, that’s
going to take some getting used to!) was clearly at pains to be as magnanimous
and inclusive as he possibly could be. Far from reissuing his threats to
Hillary Clinton he said the country owed her ‘a major debt of gratitude for her
service to our country’. Trump made an effort to unify the nation:
‘Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division….
to all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it
is time for us to get together as one united people. It’s a time, I pledge to
every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans, and this
is so important to me.’
Next, regardless of how isolationist Trump has threatened
to be, he will find he needs international allies. Theresa May, ever the
submarine, has managed not to say anything too rude about Mr Trump. She will
simply have to ignore and rise above the manner in which Trump talks about
women in order to build a professional, working relationship. Brexiteers are
claiming Trump’s election will make negotiating a free trade deal with the US
easier as we might no longer be at the ‘back of the queue’. This, however,
relies on having faith in a campaign pledge – a bold step – and Trump might not
show one iota of interest in Brexit Britain.
The problems begin when one starts considering what he
can do and what might happen. While stopping all Muslims from entering the US
won’t happen, it’s hard to imagine that American Muslims won’t face more
discrimination and racist attacks under a Trump presidency; as with the Brexit
vote here, racists will believe the vote endorses their behaviour, whether it
does or not.
Obamacare looks doomed. During the campaign Trump said he
would dismantle it ‘very, very quickly’ and replace it with ‘free market
reforms’. What this means in practice is unknown, but a hasty repeal will leave
millions of people, the poorest in US society, without healthcare. Will Trump
even bother to find an alternative?
Many clearly do feel appalled and sick to the stomach that
someone who has been openly racist, boastful of sexually assaulting women,
someone so crude, someone who, for some, provokes comparisons with disturbing events in
the 1930s, could possibly have been elected to the highest office in the free
Ultimately, though, what I can’t shake from my head is
David Duke, the former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Donald Trump didn’t
want his endorsement but had it nonetheless. Trump won and the KKK are
celebrating. It's hard to think of anything more disturbing.
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